Happy Land Water Park, Yueyang, China

Happy Land Water Park, Yueyang, China

Dinosaurs for Happy Land water park is designed to add more elements to this water park, the perfect fusion of ancient creatures and modern technology, combined with beautiful scenery and various water amusement equipment. Creating a more novel, unique, thrilling, ecological water leisure capital for tourists.

Total of 18 scenes, 34 animatronic models, divided into three groups installed in every corner of the park. Dinosaur group: Tyrannosaurus fighting, Stegosaurus foraging, pterosaurs, and other scenes, vividly restore hundreds of millions of years ago dinosaur survival scenes.

Interactive dinosaur group: riding dinosaurs, dinosaur egg, and simulation control dinosaurs can swipe the consumer interaction with visitors. Animal insect group: giant spiders, centipedes, scorpions, and other products to stimulate the senses of tourists, to experience another natural masterpiece.

Contact us to get the latest dinosaur park design and offer.